Acusoft provides unique and professional audio forensic solutions for government Forensics Departments supplying tools and expertise in Speaker Identification, Tampering investigation and Analysis of audio recordings. Acusoft solutions are primarily used by police, audio forensic laboratories, law enforcement agencies and the security community worldwide. Acusoft is recognised as a leading International implementation organisation for Audio Forensics Departments.

Forensic Laboratory Solutions

Tactical and Expert Speaker ID, Authenticity Analysis

We provide world leading and customer centred solutions for Audio Forensic Laboratories, both in terms of in-depth Audio Analysis, Tampering Investigation and Automatic Speaker Identification solutions. This is combined with a full training and support service.

Speech Analysis Products

Tactical and Expert Speaker ID, Authenticity Analysis

Acusoft products features many unique tools in authenticity analysis, speech enhancement,  expert and automatic speaker recognition delivering forensic experts the most contemporary and advanced solutions available on the market.

Training and Expert Analysis

Tactical and Expert Speaker ID, Authenticity Analysis

Our customer dedicated training courses covers all aspects of audio forensics including expert and automatic speaker recognition, digital audio authenticity analysis, speech enhancement and noise reduction. Audio investigation services are available on demand.